Friday, July 24, 2009


So Tonight is my last night at the lake house with my gigantic family. It's been lovely WAY upstate here at Keuka Lake, but I'll be happy to get home.
There are 40 something of us... too many to count! And 2 pregnant aunts, AND my uncle Nic just got engaged to his girlfriend Sarah, They were my upstairs neighbors all last year, and the best, so that's really exciting!
My little cousin Nic (not to be confused with the uncle) who has been hating on me the whole trip, stomping on my feet and trying to play pranks on me, now is saying only the nicest things to me because we won the race driving go carts  together this afternoon. I love the way little kid's minds work. 360 turns in the right direction in every aspect.
I'm searching like crazy for a DESIGN job. I'm beginning to feel very trapped in an uncreative well... trap, working in retail. I'm so ready to design! I'm trying so hard to find something! I spend hours every day trying and trying... I'm feeling fed up, but I'm not going to give up. 
Tomorrow morning it's back to brooklyn with me, and I'll finally officially unpack and be moved in. Yay!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mermaid Parade

My first mermaid parade was a little bit rainy and wet, but that means only the real mermaids (who don't mind getting wet anyway) came out.
It was so joyful, colorful and spectacular! So much fun! I couldn't wipe the gigantic smile off my face all day! I'll never miss it again!
I was riding on top of Lenin's shoulders for most of the day, so I had a great vantage point, and we got our picture taken by tons of people for this reason as well! I felt like a famous person for a few hours. it was quite a rush!
I took about 200 photos, but here are some of my favorites.
The mermaid with the pink hair was so so so detailed and fabulous! Her tail (and purse) were entirely covered in hand stitched soda tabs! Look how scale like they are! It was so amazing! and her headpiece was so beautiful and elaborate! She was by far my favorite mermaid. The group in the little white chemises with the umbrellas were a close second. Adorable!
If every day were just like that one It might mean that i've become queen of the world, or something like that.
Just Lovely.