Friday, July 24, 2009


So Tonight is my last night at the lake house with my gigantic family. It's been lovely WAY upstate here at Keuka Lake, but I'll be happy to get home.
There are 40 something of us... too many to count! And 2 pregnant aunts, AND my uncle Nic just got engaged to his girlfriend Sarah, They were my upstairs neighbors all last year, and the best, so that's really exciting!
My little cousin Nic (not to be confused with the uncle) who has been hating on me the whole trip, stomping on my feet and trying to play pranks on me, now is saying only the nicest things to me because we won the race driving go carts  together this afternoon. I love the way little kid's minds work. 360 turns in the right direction in every aspect.
I'm searching like crazy for a DESIGN job. I'm beginning to feel very trapped in an uncreative well... trap, working in retail. I'm so ready to design! I'm trying so hard to find something! I spend hours every day trying and trying... I'm feeling fed up, but I'm not going to give up. 
Tomorrow morning it's back to brooklyn with me, and I'll finally officially unpack and be moved in. Yay!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mermaid Parade

My first mermaid parade was a little bit rainy and wet, but that means only the real mermaids (who don't mind getting wet anyway) came out.
It was so joyful, colorful and spectacular! So much fun! I couldn't wipe the gigantic smile off my face all day! I'll never miss it again!
I was riding on top of Lenin's shoulders for most of the day, so I had a great vantage point, and we got our picture taken by tons of people for this reason as well! I felt like a famous person for a few hours. it was quite a rush!
I took about 200 photos, but here are some of my favorites.
The mermaid with the pink hair was so so so detailed and fabulous! Her tail (and purse) were entirely covered in hand stitched soda tabs! Look how scale like they are! It was so amazing! and her headpiece was so beautiful and elaborate! She was by far my favorite mermaid. The group in the little white chemises with the umbrellas were a close second. Adorable!
If every day were just like that one It might mean that i've become queen of the world, or something like that.
Just Lovely.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Very important plans. So I'm getting together with some friends, and going to wear those canal street T shirts that say HI HATER on the front and BYE HATER on the back with neon leggings and roller blades and LOTS of glitter  and then we're going to rollerblade across Manhattan waving at everybody. Not only that, but the Mermaid Parade is this Saturday! Oh there is a lot of dress up fun in my near future, and I'm damn giddy about it. 
You don't like me?    

Sunday, June 14, 2009

As soon as it's possible, I'm going to get one of my beautiful friends to model my thesis collection for me and one of my lovely photographer friends and I will do a photo shoot... or maybe i'll take pictures myself... I'm not half bad at it.  They have a ton of detail that those runway photos don't show, especially the evening piece! it's beaded like crazy with freshwater pearls and coral. 
Life is going well. Everything is new and exciting except for these liberal arts classes I have to finish up... not super exciting, but I'm content just the same. 
I just got a job in retail at Armani Exchange in SoHo. I'm really psyched about it, because of the awesome discount I'm going to have and especially because the music in there is really fun and it's always nice and loud. Wanting to dance all of the time (and doing it) will definitely keep me wanting to come back every day. so YAY! Hope they'll give me lots of hours though, so I won't be poor. I found out also that the A/X line is designed in NY... so that's intriguing... you know... I love Armani, I speak Italian, I went to a really nice design school for fashion and I live in NY... hire me?? PLEASE?? Well, I was thinking to try and get an internship there anyway, after my classes are done.
I really have not felt so positive about life since I was in Italy... oh, and another thing; I'm crushing haaaaaaard on a super sweet boy... ^__^ 

And my Evening piece...

The rest of my sportswear collection, La Testa Nel Nuvole...

Pretty... yes? :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My computer fairy still won't let me post the rest of my photos. I'll try tomorrow. There's still more sportswear ones and my evening wear single piece for Cotton Inc. To come!

In other news regarding my life, I'm finishing up my last 6 credits at Pratt right now, (Forensics of art, and Conversational Italian, for a refresh), trying to find a nice job and moving in with my most lovely friend Estefania in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn in July. 
In other news regarding that last sentence; wow, what a run-on! My middle school english teacher would have cried had she seen that!
And in further news still, Hanne, one of my favorite people in the world who went to NABA with me (pictured early in this blog by the purple shopping cart) is coming to the US in August! She got into an exchange program in San Francisco! I hope i'll get to go visit her at some point, and she is surely coming to NY at some point! hooray! My heart is all aflutter! 
Oh, and one more thing. I LOVE house music these days! :) 

Pratt Fashion Show!

I've finished my senior thesis! It feels REALLY good! I've been doing a lot of celebrating and job searching since then, so sorry for the long delay in posting this! check it!

here's my high end sportswear collection....

well, some of it. I guess I'm not able to upload too many photos at once... more to come!

Monday, April 20, 2009

like woah.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I like rusty spoons!

If you see me and say "hello" I'll probably say back to you: "MRAHAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" and start with some weird hysterics. but don't be fooled. I still love you. I've just misplaced my sanity somewhere in my studio. When I find it, that'll be nice. 
baci e abracci!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

oh dear

So, just 18 days until JUDGEMENT DAY (the critic show) where critics decide if my garments get to go in the real show. I've been just about living in the studio for the past 3 months. I look kind of homeless these days. "Derelicte!" I hope my personal apocalypse goes my way and April 23 is a sunny day so I can go out to play and see my friends and say "hey"
 But don't judge me. I'm VERY sleep deprived. 'tis my excuse for just about everything lately. 
And another thing. I love this Banksy so much.  I was thinking tattoo?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zooey Deschanel

She's so charming! look at this video!  So adorable, and creepy, and sweet. Perfect. I loved the part with the cowgirl outfit and the bleeding heart. I'm so excited that she's in a band now, because ever since I saw Elf i've been wishing to hear her sing. Ah i'm happy!
And then I heard No Doubt is getting back together and touring this summer! HAPPY!
And I also love Neko Case.
And awhile ago now, because I haven't updated in aaaages, I got to go see Lykke Li! Lovely, lovely perfect night! Ahhh, music makes everything better!
I haven't updated this in months because of my THESIS, which consumes my entire being... but it's going to be good. Watch out for me!
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!! (boo! I want the real clip!)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I love these photos. I took them last year in Barcelona. This was my favorite day of last year, that's part of why they are so dear to me. This girl was so adorable, and so excited about the giant bubbles. You can even see it in her posture. Giddy.


 In beginning to blog, I've noticed that I've been really overusing the word beautiful. I should probably use more adjectives in my writing. Probably in general as well...
Anyhow, I've just finished reading Skinny Legs And All, by Tom Robbins, It might just be my third favorite book.  This I loved so much:  "She would dedicate herself to... Well, she'd have to call it "beauty" for want of a better word. She wouldn't be sentimental about it, or self-righteous, or even spiritual and pure. and she wouldn't get defensive when ridiculed or misunderstood. Beauty she would not carry like a banner, nor would she take refuge from the world in it like a hermit in a shack. beauty would just be her everyday thing."


Lately i've been so in love with these artists who use embroidery... Last year In the Victoria and Albert museum I saw this amazing work. It looked like a huge dust sheet covered in greyish paint splatters, something that got crumpled and left in the corner by accident and i thought huh, why is that here?  and then when you take a closer look at it, you see that it isn't paint splatters, but really delicate, intricate embroidery. There was also what looked like a dirty table covered in paint splatters, which were actually inlaid mother of pearl and precious stones...
I was thinking recently about how much I loved her work, and decided to go read about her on the internet... and then I realized that, of course, I had forgotten her name. so, in searching for her, I came across these other artists, and I'm just feeling so inspired to go embroider things now. Her name, by the way is Susan Collis. (I figured it out eventually!) These photographs however don't do her justice! the pieces in that exhibition were so amazing to see in person! I hope she has something in New York soon. 
Then there is Nava Lubelski.  Just beautiful! Im so fascinated by the whole staining, ripping and repairing process. I need to go see this as soon as I get back! Read the about the artist part. It's really interesting, and I think really relates to what Susan Collis is doing as well. I so admire both of them. Caroline Hwang's work I found while I was searching for fashion illustrators last year, but it goes along, and I thought they were so lovely. Girlscout like, like sexy Girlscouts, but so sweet. and the colors so nice, I don't know. The images are so comforting and serene, kind of lazy... I adore them! More like applique really, but sewing little things by hand... I just like that practice in general.
Well these are my favorites right now... I have this little dream that I'm Sally and I have a little needle and thread on me all the time, pulling it out from behind my ear and embroidering pretty little things, not to be used, but to be admired.
 I did some embroidery for my textiles class a few years ago, They are funny, little black S&M themed embroidery on pink striped fabric with pink beads. Contradictory things are my favorite. That was long ago though, and for a class. I'd like to start embroidering and appliqueing often... you know, with my buckets of free time as I go to school, work on my thesis collection, commute and have an internship...
 Well I'm going to do it anyway; except sadly, I think it'll be trouble to keep my needle and thread behind my ear. I used to sew in bed and wake up with pins and/or needles poking me. rather painful, and you should see my wicked scars from industrial irons burning me. Who says fashion student's aren't tough? Well, no one really does say that do they? Never mind. I wish I was more like a cartoon and less like a real person. Someone less injury prone. Maybe i'd like to be an embroidery. That would be nice...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

pretty ol' things

look at the pretty recycled sun dresses I made at NABA last year, and look at Sheri's beautiful photography of them at beautiful Mohonk and how beautifully miss beautiful Whitney wears them. ah, che bello!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009