Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Very important plans. So I'm getting together with some friends, and going to wear those canal street T shirts that say HI HATER on the front and BYE HATER on the back with neon leggings and roller blades and LOTS of glitter  and then we're going to rollerblade across Manhattan waving at everybody. Not only that, but the Mermaid Parade is this Saturday! Oh there is a lot of dress up fun in my near future, and I'm damn giddy about it. 
You don't like me?    

Sunday, June 14, 2009

As soon as it's possible, I'm going to get one of my beautiful friends to model my thesis collection for me and one of my lovely photographer friends and I will do a photo shoot... or maybe i'll take pictures myself... I'm not half bad at it.  They have a ton of detail that those runway photos don't show, especially the evening piece! it's beaded like crazy with freshwater pearls and coral. 
Life is going well. Everything is new and exciting except for these liberal arts classes I have to finish up... not super exciting, but I'm content just the same. 
I just got a job in retail at Armani Exchange in SoHo. I'm really psyched about it, because of the awesome discount I'm going to have and especially because the music in there is really fun and it's always nice and loud. Wanting to dance all of the time (and doing it) will definitely keep me wanting to come back every day. so YAY! Hope they'll give me lots of hours though, so I won't be poor. I found out also that the A/X line is designed in NY... so that's intriguing... you know... I love Armani, I speak Italian, I went to a really nice design school for fashion and I live in NY... hire me?? PLEASE?? Well, I was thinking to try and get an internship there anyway, after my classes are done.
I really have not felt so positive about life since I was in Italy... oh, and another thing; I'm crushing haaaaaaard on a super sweet boy... ^__^ 

And my Evening piece...

The rest of my sportswear collection, La Testa Nel Nuvole...

Pretty... yes? :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My computer fairy still won't let me post the rest of my photos. I'll try tomorrow. There's still more sportswear ones and my evening wear single piece for Cotton Inc. To come!

In other news regarding my life, I'm finishing up my last 6 credits at Pratt right now, (Forensics of art, and Conversational Italian, for a refresh), trying to find a nice job and moving in with my most lovely friend Estefania in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn in July. 
In other news regarding that last sentence; wow, what a run-on! My middle school english teacher would have cried had she seen that!
And in further news still, Hanne, one of my favorite people in the world who went to NABA with me (pictured early in this blog by the purple shopping cart) is coming to the US in August! She got into an exchange program in San Francisco! I hope i'll get to go visit her at some point, and she is surely coming to NY at some point! hooray! My heart is all aflutter! 
Oh, and one more thing. I LOVE house music these days! :) 

Pratt Fashion Show!

I've finished my senior thesis! It feels REALLY good! I've been doing a lot of celebrating and job searching since then, so sorry for the long delay in posting this! check it!

here's my high end sportswear collection....

well, some of it. I guess I'm not able to upload too many photos at once... more to come!