Thursday, May 13, 2010

Well, it's been almost a year since i've updated this... so skipitty skip skip!
To condense it: I'm working in an art supply store, Estefania and I adopted a cat and named her Princess Buttercup Melty Butters Poop Stain Alicandri-Schneer. She's the best cat ever. Lots of snowboarding, a little silkscreening, lots of rollerblading, Roller Disco, dancing, much too little, but a little sewing. I made this dressfor the lovely, radiant artist and poet Cassandra to wear at her opening I've been playing, falling in love, making glow in the dark jewelry, and other silly things.
Winter Music Conference in Miami was pretty much my favorite part of these past months, and I saw some pretty fantastic outfits. This was by far my favorite: I want to Move there and just make dresses for pretty party people all day, every day and dance all night, every night.
I just have to stop acting like this guy who I also met in Miami:

His name is Maximillion, He lives in Coconut Grove on the same street as Estefania's mom. He's awesome, but I definitely need to pick up the pace!